Extend Your Birthday Party & Add To The Party Fun!

Make your Castle Fun Center Birthday Party even better! Add to the party fun and enhance your birthday party package with a Castle Birthday Party Goody Bag, T-Shirts, Prize Cube visit or extra Arcade Points!


Arcade Points

Every child receives a Castle card loaded with 1000 arcade points to use on games at the end of the party, you can double the value on each card!

  • Add 500 Additional Points to each card for $4 per child or 1,000 Additional Points to each card for $8 per child.
  • Games range from 60 points to 230 points a game.

Goody Bags

  • $5 each, includes an assortment of small toys and candy (twist pop, air head, Castle water bottle, glider, slap bracelet & tattoo; assortment subject to change).


Castle T-Shirt

  • One birthday child receives a Castle t-shirt, add one on if you have any additional birthday children or for the entire party!
  • $8.00 Each

Prize Cube

  • One birthday child gets a visit to the prize cube for free, let us know if you would like to add another birthday child or all the kids in the party!  The Prize Cube gives them the opportunity to win Castle value and arcade tickets!
  • $3.00 Each


Additional Castle Fun Center Birthday Party Add-Ons Include…
Castle Birthday Party Add-on Activities, Party Food Add-On’s, After Party Activities, Glow Parties & Private Party Room